Pango, a Free Software library for laying out and rendering text, with emphasis on internationalization 一个用于布置和呈现文本的免费软件库,它主要用于实现国际化
The iText library contains classes to generate PDF text in various fonts, generate tables in PDF document, add watermarks to pages, and so on. iText库中的类用于以各种字体来生成PDF文本、在PDF文档中生成表格、为页添加水印等。
Download Pango, which is a library for laying out and rendering of text. 下载Pango,这是设置文本布局并呈现文本的库。
Segment D: Shared library text ( executable code) 分段D:共享库文本(可执行代码)
RedCloth is a Ruby library, available as a gem, that converts Textile-formatted text into HTML. RedCloth是一个以gem的形式提供的Ruby库,它可以将Textile格式的文本转换成HTML。
Exam Library System Design of Mixed Map and Text for Tractor Driver 拖拉机驾驶员图文混排试题库系统设计
An Eclipse based framework/ library for building text based DSLs. Xtext是个基于Eclipse的框架/库,用于构建基于文本的DSL。
Application of VPN Technology in Hospital's Library remote access has been explained in this text, and a solution on base of the needs of the members of hospital has been provided. 本文论述了VPN技术在医院图书馆远程访问中的应用,并根据医院用户需求给出具体的解决方案。
A selection of manuscripts from a small family library includes a text with astrology diagrams ( center). 一组来自一个小型家族图书馆的占星术图解(中部)手稿。
Japanese Yomi Auto Complete Library – To provide the AutoComplete feature in a text input field, an application must predict the word the user wants to enter based on those characters already typed. 日语Yomi输入自动完成类库(JapaneseYomiAutoCompleteLibrary)&为了在文字输入域中提供自动完成的功能,应用程序必须根据已经输入的文字预测用户想要输入的文字。
When you add pictures to a picture library, you can define custom alt text for the pictures. 在向图片库中添加图片时,可以为图片定义自定义的alt文字。
Unlike the Char-To-Char conversion provided by the Win32 API, this library converts the Chinese text on a word-to-word basis. 与Win32API提供的字符到字符的转换不同,这个类库基于词语到词语对中文进行转换。
Public information resources and their cognition mechanisms belong to an ontological category representing a new paradigm of library science, with text paradigm as its ontological and epistemological fulcrum. 公共信息资源及其认知机制是一个用以表征图书馆学新范式的本体论范畴。文本范式是其本体论与认识论支点。
Jilin University Library builds its Web site and databases based on TRS ( Text Retrieval System), which has become a core technology during its Web site building and development. 吉林大学图书馆在本馆网络数据库的建设中,基于TRS全文数据库、搜索引擎系列产品技术全方位开发Web网站,使TRS成为本馆Web网站建设及开发的核心技术。
How to Set up the Subject Library of Multimedia Courseware in Text File 如何用文本文件创建多媒体课件题库
In addition, with the implementation of the information highway project as well as the global start and rapid development of digital library project, electronic literature resources and collections of synthetic text materials including sound, picture and image are increasing day by day. 此外,随着信息高速公路计划的逐渐实施,数字图书馆计划在全球的启动和蓬勃发展,使得图书馆电子文献资源和包括声音、图像、影像的复合文本资料收藏比重日益增加。
This article introduces how to set up the subject library of multimedia courseware in text file, and its technique and skill. And the true example given explains it is good practice. 本文介绍了用文本文件来创建多媒体课件题库的方法和技巧,根据实例说明用文本文件来创建多媒体课件题库在多媒体课件中运用是切实可行的。
An Application of a Digital Library's Terabyte Text Retrieval System 数字图书馆海量文本全文检索系统
The digital information resources are the important base in the library for reader service. It is, therefore, necessary to enrich gradually in the library the store of the electronic publications and digital text databases, to build up the internet virtual resources and the special-subject databases. 数字信息资源是图书馆向读者提供服务的重要基础,图书馆应该逐步扩大电子出版物和全文数据库的配置,认真搜集和组织网上虚拟资源,建立特色专题数据库。
Moreover, digital library has the function of text retrieval with images. 此外,数字图书馆还具有通过图像检索文本的功能。
Approximate string matching technique has been widely applied to many fields such as network information retrieval, digital library, pattern recognition, text mining, IP routing searching, network intrusion detection, bioinformatics, and computing in musicology. 近似串匹配技术在网络信息搜索、数字图书馆、模式识别、文本挖掘、IP路由查找、网络入侵检测、生物信息学、音乐研究计算等领域具有广泛的应用。
Business Process Reengineering work of university library has been discussed in this text, and this paper has inquired into the principle that Business Process Reengineering, work program as well as how to build effective business process management model. 本文论述了高校图书馆的流程再造工作,探讨了流程再造的原则、工作程序以及如何建立有效的流程管理模式。
It is software system for creating digital library in the model of description items with outer document full text; 是适合构建描述项加外挂文献全文模式的数字图书馆的软件系统;
The paper explains the scientific perspective on development of the document resource construction in library. On Scientific Text from the Perspective of Hermeneutics 本文阐述了科学发展观在图书馆文献信息资源建设中的应用。论解释学视野中的科学文本
With the specific experience of our library digital resources construction, this text expounded the necessity and the principle of the characteristic special subject database construction in college libraries, the content of special subject database as well as the specific measures. 本文结合本馆数字化资源建设的具体经验,阐述了高校图书馆特色专题数据库建设的必要性及专题数据库建设所应遵循的原则、专题数据库的内容及其具体实施措施。
Based on this reference model, Qt library has been extended to satisfy the requirement of international text processing. 以此模型为基础,扩展了Qt系统支持库,构建了文字处理国际化基础。
Text is a kind of very common resource in digital library, and lossless techniques play an important role in compressing text. 文本数据是数字图书馆中常见的一种信息资源,对文本数据的压缩主要采用无损压缩技术。
The main modules are: Interface Module, the math library, sky box, billboarding, particle systems, text display system. 主要设计实现了:接口模块、数学库、天空盒、公告板、粒子系统、文字显示系统。
This paper makes a study of the science and technology project evaluation index system, different levels of evaluation sample library, and the fuzzy evaluation model based on Web text mining. 本文主要研究科技项目评价指标体系、不同等级评价的样本词库以及基于Web文本挖掘的科技项目模糊评价模型。
Which get material from the school library journal, various text data online and social research. 其中所获得的资料来自于校图书馆的各种书籍期刊、网上的文字数据以及社会调研。